The name of the story is Clever Fish One day.
A fisher man would fishing to a river as usual He throw his net into the river And he just sat waiting there for fish together
count the net out of water But then he saw there is one tiny little fish in that net but then suddenly the fish start to taking to him said to the fisher man oh fisher man, please please please, leave me please leave me but
fisher man did not give any attention to the request of the fish But then again, the tiny little fish said to the fisher man oh fisher man, I will tell you something which is a huge help If you leave me back in water
I will tell all my friends about you. And I bring them to the bank coffee first. So that, when you come next time you have much more fish Fisher man talk to himself WOW, That is not bad He was thinking.
The tiny little fish was really happy happily into the river never to come back Poor fisher man He came next day and expected There is a lot of fish with was very clever And because the clever net He sell his life from the fisher man So,