The Story of Two Pots English Moral Story for kids..
long long ago they lived a hard-working artisan by the name beam I am he used to carry water to his landlords house in the two pots that are tied on either side of a
log one pot was leaking while the other pot was perfect one day as be my ever carrying water the perfect pot said to the leaking pot ha ha ha ha you are
broken and of no use to the owner you waste more than half of how much water he carries I am more useful I am more helpful to him than you are I am superior to you the perfect spot felt graters all the time and it related the leaking one and so the little pot felt very bad that it is not being able to be useful to be Miya
it bet ashamed that it cannot carry water like the perfect spot one day 20 mayor was carrying water like always the leaking pot said to him do you be Maya please exchange me for a better one he said but why it continued things I am NOT able to carry all the water the crack in me are leaking it I am a burden to you and I am of no use B
I am carrying water I'll make sure that the water you are leaking is going to those flowers it means that you are only watering those plots which are you still prayers if it wasn't for you
and the water unique there would be no glass to offer to God do you see how useful you are now the leaking pot time to beam I am the perfect pot heard the talk and felt very sorry
for its behavior it apologized to the leaking pot thing forgive me my friend I insulted you by stressing your weakness I realize my mistake he may have heard it all answered
we can only help one another and grow stronger to get